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Recettes - De la mer à la table

Recipes - From sea to table

From the sea to the table, a culinary experience with recipes inspired by the maritimes. What do they have in common? The same finishing ingredient, our Alcyon salt!
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L'éloge aux saveurs d’ici : s'approvisionner localement

Celebrating Local Flavors: Sourcing Locally

Opting for local food is much more than a culinary choice.
It’s a commitment to our community!

Explore the many benefits of consuming local products and discover how each bite can help strengthen our local ties.
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5 éléments distinctifs du sel de finition Alcyon

5 Distinctive Features of Alcyon Finishing Salt

We are often asked what sets Alcyon salt apart from other salts.
From its mineral richness to the intensity of flavors, discover why our finishing salt is a must-have in the kitchen !
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